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Thursday, May 28, 2020


The Business world as we know it is evolving, since the intrusion of the dreaded pandemic (Covid-19)
Businesses are shutting down even the giants of the business world are feeling the heat.
But one thing i have personally come to realize is that there is an emergence of the 20th century business innovation for who is willing and able to see the light, especially in the digital world.
In my findings i discovered that space related business are waxing stronger compared to their land related business counterparts.

Look at Zoom for instance got an increase awareness and utilization as it provides opportunities for organizations/groups to hold their meetings and discussions despite the global lock down, the communication industry is another sector that got a BOOM in this pandemic era, cable network is another of  the fortunate few not to mention all social media platforms as they are the only source of interaction and communication in this dispensation.

With these observations i draw my conclusion that if there is anyone whoever doubted the media world taking over, i think the person needs a re-awakening.

Another sector that is thriving and promising is the Agricultural sector. We Africans especially have shun this sector for so long and it used to be our economy mainstay ever before crude oil showed it's  greasily chubby face.

Our economy has suffered a fatal blow and our leaders are not helping matters with their selfishness greediness.I saw a funny post of a friend saying that He wished to God that our oil reserve in Nigeria will dry up so that all ill-intention-ed leaders will leave us alone so we can have genuine people willing to selflessly take the reins of leadership especially in Africa. it sounds funny but i feel the pain of the commentator.

So with these i challenge all well meaning youths to wake up from their slumber and takeover not only in Business world but also in Politics. enough of Grand pa(s) that by now are meant to be resting and 'eating the fruits of their Labor' 😈 ruling us. Let's be Innovative and Inventive


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