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Thursday, May 28, 2020


There lived a Mighty King in a certain metropolis he has loyal and very happy subjects, this particular king is so wealthy so wise that the once richest and wisest king in the history of mankind paled in comparison to him in wisdom and wealth.

His subjects always perceived themselves lucky to have such a fair and just king, he is a selfless and caring king. He provides his people with all necessary amenities from Technology to Agriculture, Security, Employment opportunities, Good roads etc.

He entered the only Bank in his city one day, and instructed the manager to open an account for everyone in the city including a day old baby no one is exempted. The Manager being a good business man was not willing to pass up this uncommon opportunity quickly went to work, taking the data of everyone and did as the king instructed.

 After all the account has been opened the King went ahead and did the unimaginable and credited every account with huge sums of money (the unmentionable kind of sum) every phone was just receiving the 'pakam' sound of alert. There was so much joy in the city and the king was so happy that he could bring so much joy to his people.

Then on one fateful day the king went on a  business trip and a stranger entered their territory the Stranger was a shrewd and cunning man he came in when he heard what the king did and that he went on a pilgrimage .

So he thought to himself this city is rich with all these wealth and gold flying around, well i have  only one mission to scam the people of their wealth.

To be continued................................

An Interesting story of a wealthy King

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